A Fish Factory
Alaska West is located on the Kanektok River in Western Alaska. We fish for all five species of Pacific salmon, as well as rainbow trout, dolly varden and grayling. Our guests stay with us at the lodge each night and go fishing each day with two anglers per guide fishing out of 18 foot jet boats.
Getting to Alaska West means flying to Anchorage and then taking a series of flights from Anchorage to the lodge (which we arrange for you).
Our season runs from the third week of June through the end of August each summer. Our fishery is incredibly productive and folks who know call it a ‘fish factory.’
Most of our guests like catching a variety of fish species – all season long we have trout, dolly varden and grayling available, and various salmon species as well. King salmon are available from the third week of June through end middle of July, and silver salmon are a target from late July through the end of August.
In late July, many of our guests like to pursue the Salmon Grand Slam – all five species of Pacific salmon, all on flies, all on the same day. We use a variety of fly fishing techniques when we’re going for the Grand Slam, and that’s a big part of the fun – lots of techniques, lots of fish, lots of different water.