Chum Salmon, also called Keta or Dog, are the next salmon to enter the river shortly after Kings. Chums are probably the most underrated out of all five species – willing to slam most every fly like a speeding freight train, on the strip, the swing or drift, they will take every single inch of backing off your reel and send you leaping for the boat in a single bound.
Recommended Gear
Rods: We recommend 7 weight to 9 weight quality rods with actions that are well suited for casting in windy conditions.
Reels: Durable reels with a medium to strong disc drag are necessary. Spool capacity should be at least 150 yards of 20 pound backing.
Lines: A floating line along with at least one sink tip is usually best. Sink tips should be 5 feet to 15 feet with a medium-to-fast sink rate.
Leaders: 10 to 15 pound monofilament