An Incredible Angling Experience
The Kanektok is often referred to as a ‘fish factory’ – with runs of all five species of Pacific salmon, a fantastic resident Rainbow Trout population, Dolly Varden and Grayling, the Kanektok provides an incredible angling experience of quality, quantity and variety. Because we’re located so close to the Bering Sea, very often we’re targeting salmon just minutes out of saltwater.
Downriver from camp is the larger Spey fishing water with long gravel bars and deep snaggy channels where Kings hold, and big Rainbows lie. Upriver from our camp, the river makes a transition to smaller side channels and tributaries. These sections offer excellent dry fly sight fishing for Rainbows, Dolly’s and Grayling. The Kanektok is famous for its meat eating Rainbows, if they won’t chase a mouse pattern, you can always throw a bead, flesh or sculpin to get the eat!
Late July is our Grand Slam period– all five species of Pacific salmon, all on flies, all on the same day. We use a variety of fly-fishing techniques when we’re going for the Grand Slam, and that’s a big part of the fun – lots of techniques, lots of fish, lots of different water. It’s a time to experience everything the Kanektok has to offer.
Topwater opportunities are almost always available. Starting with the resident Rainbows and Grayling in June, we quickly move into aggressive Chum and Pink topwater action along with Dolly Varden that seem to want to impale themselves on your mouse pattern. Then we end our season with a month of popper fishing for Silvers and throwing mice patterns for ever hungry Rainbows.